The City of Seattle has begun receiving shipments of donated PPE from city governments in China. Our Sister City of Chongqing and partner cities Hangzhou and Shenzhen offered PPE assistance to the City shortly after the coronavirus outbreak began in our region. These offers came just as those same cities began moving beyond their own outbreaks.
Last month, the Seattle Fire Department received a donation of 10,000 masks from the City of Hangzhou, China. Recently, a donation of 40,000 face masks from Shenzhen landed in Seattle. And this week, a shipment of 12,000 N95 masks, followed soon thereafter by 5,000 pieces of protective clothing, from Chongqing are due to arrive.
The City has been collecting and distributing these supplies to community partners working on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Washington State China Relations Council (WSCRC) and the Seattle-Chongqing Sister City Association have helped facilitate the arrival of these donations to Seattle. They both have been key players in the development of Seattle’s relationships with these cities over the years.
Chongqing has been a Seattle Sister City since 1983. A “Sister City” relationship is a long-term partnership between two communities in two countries, officially recognized by the highest elected or appointed official from both communities. The Seattle Chinese Garden is the most visible symbol of this friendship, as the City of Chongqing was a full partner in the garden’s creation. Fittingly, it was the site for the Chongqing Sister City 35th anniversary celebration held in 2018. At this event, Seattle hosted a 22-member delegation led by Chongqing Vice-Mayor Zhang Ming.
The City of Seattle signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with Hangzhou and Shenzhen in 2016 and 2015, respectively. With coordination support from the WSCRC, a Washington trade delegation recently visited Hangzhou, home to the headquarters of online commerce company Alibaba. Hangzhou was planning to send delegations to Seattle in February and May to explore further collaboration opportunities between the two cities, but had to postpone the trips because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Shenzhen is home to global genomics company BGI that opened a Seattle office as part of a major North America expansion in 2016.
“International partnerships have always been an important part of who we are as a City. We regularly do work to foster global friendships and pursue opportunities for cultural exchange, information sharing, and mutual economic development, and this creates bonds of friendship that allow us to provide support for one another when we face challenges,“ Mayor Durkan. “We a huge debt of gratitude to our partner cities in China, and the non-profit organizations here in Seattle that have been helping us support these relationships for so many years. Our community is thankful to have these donations from international friends to help protect our City.” You can learn more about Seattle’s Sister Cities at:
西雅圖的中國姊妹城市和夥伴城市紛紛伸出援手,慷慨捐贈個人防護裝備 (PPE)
西雅圖市已經開始收到中國多個市政府捐贈的物資。我們的姊妹城市重慶和夥伴城市杭州和深圳在我們地區冠狀病毒爆發後不久向西雅圖市提供了 PPE 援助。這些城市的疫情一經好轉,便向我們提供了這些物資。
上個月,Seattle Fire Department(西雅圖消防部)收到了中國杭州市捐贈的 10,000 只口罩。最近,深圳捐贈的 40,000 只口罩抵達西雅圖。本週,來自重慶的 12,000 只 N95 口罩將抵達,隨後不久,還將有重慶捐贈的 5,000 套防護服陸續送達。
該市一直在將這些物資收集並分發給在 COVID-19 疫情一線工作的社區夥伴。
Washington State China Relations Council(WSCRC,華盛頓州對華關係委員會)和 Seattle-Chongqing Sister City Association(西雅圖-重慶姊妹城市協會)已幫助推動這些捐贈抵達西雅圖。多年來,他們都是西雅圖與這些城市關係發展的關鍵參與方。
重慶自 1983 年起便是西雅圖的姊妹城市。 “姊妹城市”關係是兩個國家中的兩個社區之間的長期夥伴關係,由兩個社區的最高當選或任命官員正式認可。 Seattle Chinese Garden(西雅圖中國園)是這一友誼最顯著的象徵,因為重慶市全程參與該園的創建。恰好,這裡也是 2018 年重慶姊妹城市 35 週年慶祝活動的舉辦地。此次活動中,西雅圖接待了重慶副市長張鳴率領的 22 名成員代表團。
西雅圖市分別於 2016 年和 2015 年與杭州和深圳簽署了 Memorandum of Understanding(MOU,諒解備忘錄)。在 WSCRC 的協調支持下,華盛頓的貿易代表團最近訪問了杭州,這座城市是在線商業公司 Alibaba(阿里巴巴集團控股有限公司)的總部所在地。杭州原本計劃在二月和五月派代表團前往西雅圖,探索兩市之間的進一步合作機會,但由於 COVID-19 疫情,此行程不得不推遲。深圳是全球基因組學公司 BGI(華大集團)的所在地,該公司於 2016 年設立了西雅圖辦事處,作為其主要北美擴張計劃的一部分。
“國際夥伴關係一直是我們作為城市的重要組成部分。我們定期開展工作,促進全球友誼,並尋求文化交流、信息共享和經濟共同發展的機會,從而建立友誼的紐帶,使我們能夠在面臨挑戰時相互支持”,市長Durkan 說道。 “我們非常感謝我們的中國合作城市和位於西雅圖的非營利組織多年來一直幫助我們為這些關係提供支持。我們的社區感謝國際友人為幫助保護我們的城市提供的這些捐贈。” 您可以訪問 了解西雅圖姊妹城市的更多信息。
西雅图的中国姊妹城市和伙伴城市纷纷伸出援手,慷慨捐赠个人防护装备 (PPE)
西雅图市已经开始收到中国多个市政府捐赠的物资。我们的姊妹城市重庆和伙伴城市杭州和深圳在我们地区冠状病毒爆发后不久向西雅图市提供了 PPE 援助。这些城市的疫情一经好转,便向我们提供了这些物资。
上个月,Seattle Fire Department(西雅图消防部)收到了中国杭州市捐赠的 10,000 只口罩。最近,深圳捐赠的 40,000 只口罩抵达西雅图。本周,来自重庆的 12,000 只 N95 口罩将抵达,随后不久,还将有重庆捐赠的 5,000 套防护服陆续送达。
该市一直在将这些物资收集并分发给在 COVID-19 疫情一线工作的社区伙伴。
Washington State China Relations Council(WSCRC,华盛顿州对华关系委员会)和 Seattle-Chongqing Sister City Association(西雅图-重庆姊妹城市协会)已帮助推动这些捐赠抵达西雅图。多年来,他们都是西雅图与这些城市关系发展的关键参与方。
重庆自 1983 年起便是西雅图的姊妹城市。“姊妹城市”关系是两个国家中的两个社区之间的长期伙伴关系,由两个社区的最高当选或任命官员正式认可。Seattle Chinese Garden(西雅图中国园)是这一友谊最显著的象征,因为重庆市全程参与该园的创建。恰好,这里也是 2018 年重庆姊妹城市 35 周年庆祝活动的举办地。此次活动中,西雅图接待了重庆副市长张鸣率领的 22 名成员代表团。
西雅图市分别于 2016 年和 2015 年与杭州和深圳签署了 Memorandum of Understanding(MOU,谅解备忘录)。在 WSCRC 的协调支持下,华盛顿的贸易代表团最近访问了杭州,这座城市是在线商业公司 Alibaba(阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司)的总部所在地。杭州原本计划在二月和五月派代表团前往西雅图,探索两市之间的进一步合作机会,但由于 COVID-19 疫情,此行程不得不推迟。深圳是全球基因组学公司 BGI(华大集团)的所在地,该公司于 2016 年设立了西雅图办事处,作为其主要北美扩张计划的一部分。
“国际伙伴关系一直是我们作为城市的重要组成部分。我们定期开展工作,促进全球友谊,并寻求文化交流、信息共享和经济共同发展的机会,从而建立友谊的纽带,使我们能够在面临挑战时相互支持”,市长 Durkan 说道。“我们非常感谢我们的中国合作城市和位于西雅图的非营利组织多年来一直帮助我们为这些关系提供支持。我们的社区感谢国际友人为帮助保护我们的城市提供的这些捐赠。” 您可以访问 了解西雅图姊妹城市的更多信息。