La Comisión para Inmigrantes y Refugiados busca nuevos miembros
移民與難民委員會 尋求新成員
Ủy Ban Di Trú và Tị Nạn Tìm Kiếm Thành Viên Mới
이민자 와 난민 위원회 에서 신인 회원 모집
Gusto ng Seattle Immigrant and Refugee Commission ang mga bagong miyembro
Immigrant and Refugee Commission Waxay Raadinaayaan Xubno Cusub
የስደተኞች እና ጥግተኞች ኮሚሽን ተጨማሪ ኣባላት እየፈለገ ነው
ናይ ስደትኛታትን ሓተቲ ዑቕባን ኮሚሽን ኣባላት ይደሊ ኣሎ
Koomishiiniin Koolu Galttootaa fi Baqattootaa Miseensota Haaraya Barbaada
لجنة المهاجرون واللاجئون يبحثون عن أعضاء جدد
کمیسیون مهاجران و پناهدنگان شهر سیاتل به دنباله اعضای جدید میباشد
គណៈកម្មការអន្តោប្រវេសន៍ និងជនភៀសខ្លួនស្វែងរកសមាជិកថ្មីៗ
В Комитет Иммигрантов и Беженцев г. Сиэтл приглашаются новые участники
Комісія з питань іммігрантів та біженців шукає нових членів
The City of Seattle Immigrant and Refugee Commission is looking for qualified and committed candidates to fill six current vacancies. Commission members must be committed to spending a minimum of 10 hours per month to commission work, including monthly commission meetings, and to actively participating in at least one committee. Serving on the commission is an unpaid volunteer position.
Immigrant and Refugee Commission Duties
- Advising the mayor, Seattle City Council, and City departments and offices on ways to enhance and improve access to City services and resources for immigrants and refugees, as well as strengthening opportunities for immigrants and refugees to participate in civic life.
- Encouraging dialogue and understanding between and among the various immigrant and refugee communities and the larger Seattle community and advocating on their behalf.
- Helping to provide outreach and community feedback to the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs.
The Commission has fifteen members reflecting the diversity of Seattle’s immigrant and refugee communities. Members are appointed to two-year terms, with the option of reappointment for two more terms.
The Immigrant and Refugee Commission was established in 2008 by Ordinance 122441 as a result of Seattle’s 2007 Immigrant and Refugee Report and Action Plan.
Commission Role
Generally, City of Seattle commissions serve as a link between the public and City government. The information and advice that commissions provide about community needs, concerns, and opinions can have a profound impact on City policies and lead to improved services for all residents. Commissions are expected to:
- Gather community opinions, attitudes, and needs and synthesize them for City departments and offices, City Council, or the mayor.
- Study programs and services and analyze problems and needs.
- Offer written recommendations for changes to programs, policies, or standards.
- Provide the public with information about City policies, programs, and budgets.
Commissions are most effective when they engage members of the public, outside experts, and individuals within City government to develop timely, relevant, well-researched, thoughtfully analyzed recommendations and reports on issues of importance.
Applications will be accepted through June 17, 2019. Please send your resume, cover letter, two references, and a short bio about yourself to
Please ensure that the words “Commissioner Application” are the subject line.
For questions, please call (206) 615-0195 or check out the Commission’s website: