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New Informational Videos to Help Asylum Seekers

Asylum is an essential promise of providing safety to people fleeing violence and persecution that is protected under international and domestic U.S. law. However, the asylum process can be complicated and difficult, especially for people who have suffered trauma and faced perilous journeys to seek refuge.

With these challenges in mind, OIRA partnered with the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP) to release a series of informational videos for asylum seekers living in Seattle and Washington state to help them navigate the immigration and asylum process. These videos were funded by OIRA, created by NWIRP, and translated by the OIRA City of Seattle community translator group and cover topics such as updating an address with federal agencies, checking-in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), applying for asylum and employment authorization, understanding and preparing for court dates, and more. 

These videos are available on our website in the four languages listed below and also on NWIRP’s website along with PDF’s of the PowerPoint slide presentations: 

These languages were prioritized given that we have seen an increase in asylum seekers in our region who have migrated from Angola, Venezuela, and Congo. Please help us promote these helpful and timely resources by sharing our social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.